Argument Selection: Debate for the 2AR!

Learning Objectives

  • Reinforce fundamentals of argument selection.

  • Apply principles of argument selection to create 2AC/1AR/2AR blocks.

Time Needed

~30-45 min. (depends on student preparation)

Resources & Materials

  • Paper (2-3 sheets per student)

  • Pencil/pen (1 per student)

  • Evidence packet (1 per student)

Teacher Preparation

  • Assess student preparation level. If students have written 2AC Blocks, this activity may be shortened.
  • Select and review a negative off-case position.
    • For less experienced students, choose the mainline disadvantage from the evidence packet.
    • For more advanced students, choose a position that applies to every affirmative (e.g., kritik).

Lesson Outline

  • Debate for the 2AR! (Activity)
    • To begin, ask each student to sit and work with their debate partner.
      • If partnerships are fluid or have not yet been selected, divide students into small groups.
    • Briefly review the content of the selected negative position. Flow the argument on the board.
    • 2AC Blocks (Brainstorming)
      • If (most) groups HAVE a pre-written 2AC block for the position:
        • Ask each group to briefly review its 2AC block and identify the two best arguments.
        • Once each group is finished, ask them to write their best arguments on the board.
      • If (most) groups do NOT HAVE a pre-written 2AC block for the position:
        • Review block-writing
          • Blocks are pre-written sets of arguments used to respond to common positions.
          • Blocks contain BOTH evidence and analytic arguments.
        • Ask each group to write a short 2AC block for the assigned negative position.
        • Once each group is finished, ask them to write their two best arguments on the board.
  • Debate For The 2AR! (Reflection)
    • Lead a group discussion of the arguments on the board.
      • Using the principles of argument selection, “cull” the arguments.
      • Create two lists. The first should contain the five best arguments (against the position), and the second should contain the two best arguments (also against the position).
  • Debate for the 2AR! (Tournament Preparation)
    • Emphasize that students now have a “gameplan” for the 2AC/1AR/2AR.
    • Based on the activity, students should complete the following BEFORE the next tournament:
      • Improved 2AC block (based on the list with the five best arguments).
      • 1AR/2AR blocks (based on the list with the two best arguments).

Points of Improvement

  • Students understand the content of an argument but cannot evaluate its quality.

Signs of Mastery

  • Students understand the necessity of having a game plan and know why certain arguments should be extended.

Instructor Notes

  • This activity works best with less experienced/intermediate students.

  • Emphasize that students should modify the plan based on what happens in each debate round.

  • Varsity teams may read different affirmatives. Adapt accordingly.