Flowing (Intermediate): On and Off

Learning Objectives

  • Organize on- and off-case positions on separate flow sheets.

  • Increase familiarity with signposting.

Time Needed

~15-20 min.

Resources & Materials

  • Paper (5-6 sheets per student)

  • Pens (2 colors per student)

  • Deck of playing cards

Teacher Preparation

  • Create labels for an “Advantage” pile and “Disadvantage” pile.

  • Shuffle playing cards and randomly put them into piles for each category.

Lesson Outline

  • Mini-lecture
    • Explain to students the difference between on- and off-case arguments:
      • 1AC contentions (HIPS/SHIP) are on-case arguments.
      • Negative disadvantages are off-case arguments.
    • Tell students that each major argument (affirmative contentions, negative disadvantages) should be flowed on its own sheet of paper.
    • Tell students to flow affirmative speeches in one color of ink and negative speeches in another.
  • On and Off (Activity)
    • Have students flow “speeches” of playing cards using the following format:
      • 1AC: Announce that you are reading an "Advantage”. Read 4 cards.
      • 1NC: Announce that you are reading the “Cats Disadvantage” and read 4 Disadvantage cards. Then announce that you are moving onto the affirmative Advantage and read 3 Advantage cards.
        • Before this speech, announce that you will be reading the “Cats Disadvantage”, then going to the aff Advantage
      • 2AC: Say, “First, on the Advantage” then “extend”/restate 2 cards from the 1AC and read 2 new cards. Then, announce that you are moving onto the “Cats Disadvantage” and read 3 new cards.
        • Before this speech, announce that the order will be the affirmative “Advantage” followed by the “Cats Disadvantage”.
    • Spot check students after speeches by asking how many arguments were made on a specific flow or naming cards/arguments and asking to which flow they belong.

Points of Improvement

  • Students flow arguments from different piles on the same sheet of paper.

  • Students don’t put their flows in order when given a roadmap before the speech.

Signs of Mastery

  • Students have separate flows for each pile.

  • Students pay attention and switch flow sheets when the current argument is announced.

Instructor Notes

  • If flowing on the board, either have one student for each flow or have the selected student clearly designate different areas of the board for each flow.

    • Putting up multiple sheets of chart paper can help visual learners.

  • To make this activity more challenging, add an advantage or disadvantages.

Next Lesson Plan: Flowing with Pokémon cards