Flowing (Intermediate): Line ‘Em Up!

Learning Objectives

  • Organize line-by-line arguments.

  • Flow overviews separately from line-by-line arguments.

Time Needed

~15-30 min.

Resources & Materials

  • Paper (4-5 sheets per student)

  • Pens (2 colors per student)

  • Deck of cards (poker or Pokémon)

Teacher Preparation

  • Create “Advantage” and “Disadvantage” labels for 2 piles.
    • Shuffle cards and divide them into the 2 piles.
  • Write “Advantage” and “Disadvantage” on the board/chart paper.
    • Create 3 columns under each heading, labelled 1AC, 1NC, 2AC from left to right.
    • Draw 4 cards and flow them in the “1AC” column for “Advantage”. Leave blank space at the top.
    • Draw 3 cards and flow them in the “1NC” column for “Disadvantage”. Leave blank space at the top.
      • Leave the “1AC” column for “Disadvantage” blank.
    • Draw 3 cards and flow them in the “1NC” column for “Advantage”. Leave blank space at the top.

Lesson Outline

  • Mini-lecture
    • Explain the difference between an overview and line-by-line arguments.
      • Overviews summarize a major argument and include impact comparison/MR. T.
      • The line-by-line debate consists of the individual arguments made on each flow (ex. Uniqueness arguments, solvency arguments, link arguments) b. Tell students to leave space at the top of ever column on their flows for ove
    • Tell students to leave space at the top of every column on their flows for overviews.
    • Tell students to flow up line-by-line arguments so that they are next to the argument to which they are responding.
  • Line 'Em Up! (Activity)
    • Have students copy the flows on the board.
    • Give a 2AC using the following format:
      • Before the speech, announce that the order will be “Advantage” then “Disadvantage”.
        • Say “First, an overview. Our Advantage says [insert 4 1AC cards]. We outweigh on magnitude. Now, onto the line-by-line.”
        • Say “First off 1NC 1” and “extend”/restate a card from the 1AC, then say “AND” loudly and clearly before reading a new card.
          • Repeat this for “1NC 2” and “1NC 3”
        • Announce that you are moving onto the Disadvantage. Read 3 cards.
    • Check student flows, looking out for the following:
      • Leaving space at the top for the 2AC overview.
      • 2AC responses are next to the 1NC arguments they answer.

Points of Improvement

  • Students flow overviews as if they are line-by-line arguments.

  • Students flow line-by-line arguments but do not organize them so that they align with their responses.

Signs of Mastery

  • It is visibly apparent on flows which arguments correspond to each another.

Instructor Notes

  • Having multiple responses to an argument helps reinforce the importance of spacing arguments out when flowing.

Previous Lesson Plan: Flowing with Pokémon cards