What Is My Role?: Sides & Speaker Positions

 Like policy debate, each debater will have a side (Pro / Con) and a Speaker Position (1st / 2nd).

Choosing Sides

  • Each team will either affirm or negate the resolution.

    • The team that affirms the resolution is the “Pro” team.

    • The team that negates the resolution is the “Con” team.

  • When pairings for a round are released, each team will be assigned the Pro or Con side.

    • Each team will affirm and negate the resolution twice, for a total of four rounds.

  • In League tournaments, the speaking order and sides are chosen for you.

    • Each team will be assigned a side on the pairing before the debate.

    • The “Pro” speaks first and the “Con” speaks second.

    • Non-League tournaments may flip a coin for sides and speaking order.

      • This IS NOT the case for tournaments hosted by the AUDL.

Choosing A Speaker Position

  • Before the tournament, each team will need to decide who is the 1st / 2nd Speaker for EACH side.

  • The 2nd Speaker is the “Captain” of the team.  They are responsible for:

    • Writing & Researching the Constructive Speech

    • Giving the Rebuttal & Final Focus Speeches

    • Making In-Round Decisions

    • Assisting the 1st Speaker With The Constructive & Summary Speeches

  • The 1st Speaker “assists” the 2nd Speaker. They are responsible for:

    • Learning & Delivering the Constructive Speech

    • Giving The Constructive & Summary Speeches

    • Assisting the 2nd Speaker With The Rebuttal & Final Focus Speeches

  • To keep things equal, speaker position should VARY by side.

    • Example: Cayden and Simion are debating.

      • On the Pro side, Cayden is the 2nd Speaker and Simion is the 1st Speaker.

      • BUT, on the Con side, Simion is the 2nd Speaker and Cayden is the 1st Speaker.