
2019-2020 Evidence

One critical part of debating is the effective use of evidence to prove your points. The AUDL provides a comprehensive evidence packet for every division. This helps ensure all students have a high-quality set of materials for debates and an effective model to help guide their own research and argument construction.

Click your division below to view the evidence for this debate season!

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions?)

  • What is a “new argument?”

New arguments are defined as arguments, scenarios, disadvantages, advantages, and affirmatives not provided by AUDL.

  • What are the guidelines for division promotion?

    • MS Novice to JV–> Place in top 15 teams, two times

    • JV to Varsity–> Place in top 10 teams, three times

    • HS Novice to Open–> Place in top 10 teams, two times

    • If students want to be promoted prior to the recommended guidelines, they are absolutely welcome to do so at their coach’s discretion.